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Missing Children and their relationship with Queen Elizabeth and The Royal Family...

Every year around the same time children go missing from Canada, U.S., Brazil and England.

Is it ironic that an arrest warrant for Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Phillip was issued on March 6, 2013 for ‘crimes against humanity’? The order of arrest was issued by six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.

After nearly a year of litigation, Queen Elizabeth and her husband were found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-operated Kamloops residential school in British Columbia. Grieving parents haven’t seen their children since they left for a picnic with the Royal couple on October 10th in 1964.

‘Whistleblower’ soldier Vivian Cunningham was drugged and institutionalized against

his will back in May 2014. Apparently, his “crime” on May 6 was daring to ask superiors about Queen Elizabeth’s outstanding arrest warrant. He was injected with an atypical anti-psychotic drug olanzapine under orders of Captain Murrell and Doctors Khan and Sema. The soldier was committed for six months to the St. George Hospital Psychiatric Unit with a “diagnosis” of suffering from an acute psychotic episode.

In May 2014, the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State asked concerned citizens to demand Cunningham’s immediate release. The ITCCS successfully prosecuted Queen Elizabeth’s kidnapping, along with 50,000 cases of other missing children.

Queen Elizabeth had direct involvement in the kidnapping and death of “aboriginal children” as reported on the ITCCS website. Royal Family members also appeared to regularly participate in Ninth Circle Satanic Cult rituals at the Mohawk Indian School in Brantford, Ontario, Canada.

In April 2014, a second international trial began in Brussels on global elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. The satanic rite evidently occurred in a sub basement of the Canadian Branton Ontario Mohawk Indian residential school.

Mass graves of Mohawk children have been uncovered by ground-penetrating radar at the Mohawk Institute, a residential school for Mohawk operated by the Church of England and the Vatican before its closure in 1970. [full story]

Eyewitnesses allegedly saw a young girl being bound to an altar. Reports of children being gagged, repeatedly raped, disemboweled, dismembered and even killed. Children’s blood was consumed by nine red-robed figures that included a member of the British Royal Family.

Former Kamloops School resident, William Combes gave a radio interview where he discussed witnessing Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip leave the school with The Prince, ten friends and fellow Kamloops residents.

Directly after his interview, the healthy Combes was ordered to report for tests at the Vancouver St. Paul’s Catholic hospital. There he was given an injection that put him into a coma. Within hours and without consent of his family members, Combes was permanently pulled off life support.

British citizen David Compan was another victim of whistleblowing against Queen Elizabeth. In 2013 he was twice arrested, as was his wife. Compan’s “crime” was daring to post Queen Elizabeth’s arrest warrant on a Catholic Church. Compan was never charged, but accosted, drugged and incarcerated in the London Park Royal Mental Health Center. After several days of protests irate citizens secured the couple’s release.

The International Common Law Court of Justice’s guilty verdict by six international judges on 40 global elites appeared to influence the resignation within the same week of Pope Joseph Ratizinger.

Recently, there’s been a vast number of young Black girls missing from America’s Capital - District of Columbia. Is it the work of the government and The Royal Family? These people are some of the most powerful in the world. Most of their secrets, rituals and traditions we will never know. They have the ability, influence and finances to hide some of the most horrocious acts unknown to most.

Keep your eyes and ears open. Your third eye should be active Black people. Blacks are targeted for population control, new slavery and organ harvesting. If you see something, report something.

We have set up a number to call if you have any information to report. Please only call to report meaningful information on serious matters as we take these current matters seriously. Call the message line 24 hours a day in the U.S. at (747)BLACK-1 or internationally +1 (747)225-2251.

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